Cambridge SolaGlo Paver™
Attention landscape lighting designers! Thanks to our leading-edge research and development group, Cambridge introduces an innovative “green” lighting option – a totally sustainable alternative to both conventional solar and AC powered paver lights. No wires, no bulbs. No ancillary components required. A tough and permanent, surface treatment that glows-in-the-dark is permanently affixed by Cambridge to our 6 x 9 Pavingstones – one of our most popular shapes.
We’ll light up your life – outdoors that is – with our wide range of hardscape lighting options including AC-powered models for Cambridge Pavingstones, Wallstones and Outdoor Living Rooms plus the Cambridge Solar Lights for pavers.
The Cambridge Complete Line Of AC-Powered Lighting Comprises:
- Paver Lights In Several Styles
- Wall Lights
- Wall/Tread Lights
- Corner Lights
- Column Lights
Sold individually or in kits with wire and transformer.